MTFDTP Fire Test Scenarios

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Test One

This test will involve a fire in a fully furnished residential suite as a baseline scenario representing a National Building Code prescribed solution of non-combustible construction permitted for a high building.

Test Two

This test will involve a fire in a fully furnished residential suite of mass timber construction and will include exposed mass timber columns, beams, ceiling and encapsulated (protected) mass timber walls and floor. The purpose of this test is to provide results for comparison to a similar fire (Test 1) within a residential suite constructed to be representative of non-combustible construction.

Test Three

This test is designed to represent a construction site fire scenario and will be completed in the same residential suite used for Test 1. It will have an exposed mass timber wall, ceiling and floor, and a garbage can filled with wood contents will be the initial item ignited to start the test. The purpose of this test is to provide a demonstration of the performance of exposed mass timber in a construction site fire using a realistic ignition source.

Test Four

This test is designed to represent a construction site fire scenario with exposed mass timber floors, beams, columns and ceiling involving an open space and wood crib fuel load and with light-frame wood partition walls (exposed framing). The purpose of this test is to provide a demonstration of the performance of exposed mass timber in another realistic but more severe construction site fire scenario to add to the information learned from Test 3.

Test Five

This test is intended to represent a fully furnished open office floor plan with exposed mass timber columns, beams, shaft wall and ceiling. Fire will be ignited at one end of structure and left to spread through the approx. 2,300 sqft space within the first-floor level. This test is intended to demonstrate fire performance and dynamics in a typical occupied open-office space in a mass timber building.

Sharing Results

The results of these burns will be published and distributed in partnership with our project sponsors and collaborators and made available to the regulatory, research, design and construction community.

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